Sociology Education Holds Public Lecture with UMM Professors

Banjarmasin – Sociology Education Study Program (PS) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a Public Lecture academic activity on September 23 2024. Public Lecture with the theme "Digital Transformation in Education: Social Implications and Challenges for the Education System ” This was held at the ULM Student Activity Center (SAC) Lecture Theater at 08.30-12.00 WITA. This activity was opened by the Chair of the Social Sciences Education Department (JPIPS), Sidharta Adyatma and attended by lecturers and students in the Sociology Education Study Program FKIP ULM. The resource person in this public lecture was Professor of Sociology at Muhammadiyah University of Makasar (UMM), Nursalam.

In his opening remarks, Sidharta reminded that the changes occurring in the digital era not only affect the way we learn and teach, but also the way we learn and interact. According to him, digital transformation has opened the door to various innovations. Information and communication technology is now an integral part of the learning process. We are seeing the emergence of online learning platforms, educational apps, and digital resources that enrich the learning experience. He advised us to make digital transformation a step towards more inclusive, relevant and quality education. "Together, we can shape a better educational future,"

Meanwhile, in his presentation, Nursalam conveyed a number of social implications of digital transformation in the world of education, including: bridging access and equality, facilitating communication and collaboration, demands for students to have digital skills, and exposing all parties to digital culture. Nursalam also conveyed strategies for implementing effective digital transformation in schools, including: careful and comprehensive planning, infrastructure development, teacher capacity development, collaboration and support from various partners, as well as evaluation and monitoring (quality assurance). (admin)

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Pendidikan Sosiologi FKIP


Bachelor of Sociology Education

Integrated Utility Building FKIP ULM
Jalan Brigjend H. Hasan Basry
Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70112

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