This year’s Isra Mi’raj activity is themed “Exploring Beauty and Majesty”
Adventure on the Night of Isra Mi’raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.” Isra Mi’raj is held in
offline which took place at the Darusallam Mosque, Jl. Sultan Adam, Sungai Miai, Banjarmasin City,
South Kalimantan, taking place from 09.00 WITA to 12.00 WITA. Isra Mi’raj
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH will be held on February 10, 2024. When everything is ready
The activity began with a habsy reading presented by the HMPS FKIP ULM HABSY group,
After finishing reading Habsy, it was continued with the opening of the yamng presented by the host
namely Naimatul Huda. The next series of events was the first remarks from Ketuplak Isra Mi’raj, namely Ikhsan Pradana and continued with the Remarks of the General Chairman of HMPS FKIP ULM, Mr. Ari Setiawan. The speech contained hopes and thanks to the committee and participants. The next event entered the core event of Isra Mi’raj, namely the presentation of the program presented by the Presenter. Entering the core of the event, namely the reading of the holy verses of the Qur’an presented by Muhammad Rizkan, then religious lectures and prayers by Ustad Muhammad Ihsanul Arif, M.Ag. After finishing the religious lectures and prayers, the event was continued by a photo with Ustad, Qori, all committees and participants of Isra Mi’raj involved during the event. After all the photos were taken, it was continued with the host who will close the Isra Mi, Prophet Muhammad SAW event and the distribution of consumption to Ustad, Qori, Participants, and the Committee.