Vision, Mission, & Goals


To become a leading study program in the field of sociology education based on the values ​​of local wisdom of the wetland environment.


  1. To organize education in the field of sociology education with a wetland perspective.
  2. To organize research in the field of education and social sciences based on science and technology and the dynamics of wetland communities.
  3. To organize community service in the field of education and social sciences based on wetlands.
  4. To collaborate with government and private institutions.
  5. Objectives of the Study Program To produce sociology subject teachers with a wetland perspective. To produce research reports and publications in the field of education and social sciences based on science and technology and the dynamics of wetland communities. To contribute to community service in the field of education and social sciences. To contribute to the implementation of cooperation agreements in the field of education, research and community service with government and private institutions.

Tujuan Program Studi

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Profil Prodi

Bachelor of Sociology Education

Integrated Utility Building FKIP ULM
Jalan Brigjend H. Hasan Basry
Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70112

External Link

Educational Link

Research Link

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